Matchbox Forum
Items with a Date on a yellow background have been updated during the last 21 Days.

Matchbox Forum is a not-for-profit organization of Matchbox collectors world-wide. The main goal of the Club is to promote Matchbox models by exchanging information, trading models and creating camaraderie. This Club is internet friendly and by using the electronic highway it will be possible to interact with Matchbox collectors world-wide.

The chairman for Matchbox Forum North America is John Yanouzas. The chairman for the Rest of the World (R.O.W.) is John Nijhuis. Both have a common responsibability for strategy and policy management and general direction of Matchbox Forum.
Both divisions will have its own Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer or any others officers deemed appropriate. Each local division could have its own members, club rules, officers and activities. Yet all members would have the opportunity to communicate with each other and exchange information and models.
Both divisions are sanctioned by Matchbox Toys USA, Ltd. under the umbrella agreement in existence with Matchbox Forum as of May 15, 1998.

If you want to join us please sent an email with the following information:
  • First, Last Name
  • Address
  • Country
  • E-Mail address
  • Telephone
to one of the following persons:

Knowlewdge Providers, Netherlands Design: John Nijhuis